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How have you used SandCrafters Edible Sand Art?

  • Our PTCO used it as part of our Fall Festival fundraiser. We had a whole station set up for the kids to do this. This money always goes back into the school to purchase flex seating, STEM items, or whatever the school needs.
  • We used Pucker Powder for bingo for books. We are going to use it for our fall festival. The money goes towards our PTO. The kids love picking out their favorite flavors and colors.
  • We used at Bingo for Books and want to use at Socials
  • Our PTO used SandCrafters as a fund raiser and the kids loved it
  • I used Pucker Powder for a craft themed birthday party for my son and also at a PTO event. I want to get it for an upcoming party we are having and for my son’s new school. Pucker Powder attracts everyone because it’s fun to make and they get a yummy treat to take home.
  • We are able to set up a table at sporting events and community fairs, and we use the profit for school activities.
  • We sell half the tubes and use the rest as a reward.
  • We use Pucker Power Candy Art in our Hogwarts summer camp. We say it is a new product the Weasley twins are trying out! Edible Wands!
  • We are thinking about getting the largest tubes for our Spring Carnival – since the smaller tubes were such a hit at our previous event. The carnival is our largest pta fundraiser and we use the funds raised for programs, events, and teacher/school needs.
  • I used it for my children’s ESL summer camp program. There was an end of the camp party and it was a success. All he kids were excited about the flavors and parents were excited about not having a sugar rush like cake and even they took some home.
  • We used it at 4th grade lock in.
  • We used it at our community’s Halloween Bash last year & again at our Summer Block Party this year! It is a free event for people in our community and the surrounding area. We plan to set up a table for this again at our Halloween Bash in October this year! Kids loved it and it was a big hit!
  • Harvest Night!
  • I used it first as a fundraiser for our students’ field day and towards 5th grade promotion ceremony.
  • We used it at our schools open house.
  • It is only used as a fundraiser at this time. We put the money towards class parties, field trips, special events we have at school so the students don’t have to pay to participate:)
  • We used Pucker Powder at our Back to School Bash. It’s a free event for all families and the Pucker Powder table had a line the entire night! 😃The kids were incredibly excited and devoured them instantly. It was a HUGE hit! The kids have already asked if we could please have them next year! ☺️

How else will you use SandCrafters Edible Sand Art?  Haven’t used it yet but you plan to… how do you plan to use it?

  • We are going to use Pucker Powder as a fundraiser for our fall festival and spring carnival. This will be are first year using them. Our students are very excited
  • The funds raised will go back to the PTO.
  • I would like to use it as a fundraiser in the community. I think it is a great way to draw people to our community booth to see what a great school we have and walk away with something sweet and fun!
  • We plan to use SandCrafters as a fundraiser for a playground! Our middle school is grades 5-8 and we currently have NO playground at all. We have been fundraising for a few years and just know this will help us tremendously! We will use it at our school dances, concerts, plays, craft fairs and penny socials!
  • We would love to use Pucker Powder at our Family Fun Night Event or STEAM Fair event.
  • We might use as incentive for meeting our annual Boxtop goal!
  • Our PTCO is planning on using this as incentives for BoxTops donations and recognizing happy helpers. Students love to be recognized, but add in something they get to create and eat – well, it is just the best!
  • I had so much fun creating my own tube at PTO Today, it’s nice the kids get an activity and a treat out of it! Wish we would have known about this sooner!
  • I’m hoping to use them later in the year at our fun fair night. Think it would be a great addition to our carnival theme.
  • We are a PTO and would love to use it as a fundraiser, and serve it at our end of year activities.
  • We are a PTO and would like to sell the candy art at our Fall Festival. We tried it at the Duluth PTO Expo
  • Our PTA will be using SandCrafters Pucker Powder as a fundraiser at our Fall Festival.
  • We want to use at Socials
  • I am wanting to introduce it as a fall festival booth fundraiser. Each year we have a booth and our CSO is trying new incentives and ways to raise money.
  • I would love to try them at our football games.
  • Would like to use it as an incentive for fundraiser sales.
  • We hope to use it at our schools Art Night!
  • For this upcoming year, I would use it for Parent Teacher Conferences (encourage participation), Math
  • For our school, I think this would be awesome to use for Week of The Young Child. We have family Friday
  • Plan to use it at fall festival
  • Love the idea of using it for an incentive program
  • Looking to try it at out fall festival! It’s a big pta fundraiser and I know these would be a hit!
  • This would be a fun “prize” to have at my daughter’s birthday party.

How do you make sure information is shared with future volunteers?

  • Our school maintains a 3-ring binder, and all volunteers put receipts and advice in the binder.  Each year we refer to the binder before making decisions.
  • We love working with SandCrafters.  They provided us with a sheet “Advice for next time”.  We added our comments to the sheet and put it in a folder marked “Pucker Powder” along with the Tip Sheet provided by SandCrafters.
  • Honestly! We are starting from scratch! We have been trying to use every way to get the word out for our events! Best way we know so far is IN PERSON!
  • Love your product! Our board writes event reports after each event so that we can pass them on to the next person who will be in charge of that event. It’ll include basic ideas about the event and also pros/cons or other important info.
  • This year I took the young lady that will take over our president position next year to Launch in Texas. Plus your information is in the President, programs and fundraising binders. We love your products.
  • Our PTA has binders for every position that is passed on to the next volunteer. There are meeting minutes where things we have learned are noted as well as vendor lists each volunteer has used in the past. Our binders are great places for new volunteers to start implementing their ideas.
  • The best piece of advice I plan to pass on to my volunteers is to always be on the look out for conventions or conferences that allow you to see the amazing products that are available to you for your programs and events. I was blown away at what I was missing when I found SandCrafters and the the opportunities it could bring to our school for fundraising and getting families excited about attending events. SandCrafters offers a fun, colorful and tasty way of bringing kids and parents together for almost any program. Also be sure to do your homework and find companies like SandCrafters that puts so much into their products to think of each and every ingredient and making sure you are getting the best quality product for your schools, churches or whatever program you are looking to use them for! 🎉 #bestofthebest
  • Our PTA has binders for every position. We keep notes on each fundraiser, program, etc. Each year we pass them on to the next person. It’s makes it a lot easier to remember what we do from year to year 😊
  • We have a website, binder and use OneDrive for all our files.
  • One advice I would have liked to receive is sharing responsibilities. I am president this year and plan to involve each board member equally and inform all pta members of all events. We, also, have decided on an event binder that describes what is to be done to help future members. We also have developed teacher folders and hospitality teams for every event so parents do not feel obligated to do every school event.
  • We are starting event review sheets this year. Where we will write down everything that went into the event and where it was ordered from.
  • GoogleDrive! Everything is there at any moment for the next generation.
  • We do a few things, but one of our favorites is a Transition meeting. At this meeting we hand over the binder we kept all year and the person get to talk to the person leaving the position and ask all the questions they need plus talk!
  • Having a meeting with the next person (preferably involving drinking coffee 😂) and pass the torch and all your wisdom you’ve learned this past year. Include amazing vendors you’ve used (like SandCrafters), polls you took, logins to accounts, and deadlines they may need.
  • Keep a binder. Write in it what was suggested and then add in any changes you made for this year (that way future people can see what was tried in the past) keep it up to date year to year!!
  • Our PTO has a dropbox that has all on the information for incoming board members. The information is organized in files so, they will be able to easily access information. We also have a transitional meeting for the members leaving can help incoming members.
  • Being available to answer questions about any thing.
  • We use binders for every position and pass them on to the next person. But I like to tell people to not wait for someone to ask you to help. Volunteering is about asking people how you can help. Don’t wait for an invitation, step up and ask.
  • Keep a detailed notebook of deadlines, vendors, do’s/don’ts, etc. Also give them your number as an extra resource.
  • Be available for any questions the next year. Don’t just disappear and have off an empty binder. Take notes throughout your experience and pass then on.
  • Document EVERYTHING! Document how much you ordered of something and from where. Ticket prices, amounts of food, décor…….when I say everything I mean EVERYTHING. If there is a document
  • Have a new volunteer shadow you. It helps so much with the things you forget to tell them.
  • I keep a binder of everything. Lots of details, and meeting minutes!
  • A binder is great, but they get lost. Shadows work, but only if the people return. We post all ideas on a FB message group and archive all bids and emails on a google drive file. Each member incoming
  • We having a living binder system that travels to the new person from the outgoing person
  • I keep a binder and have an in person meeting with the next person to answer any questions they may have. I also always make sure they have my contact info and know I am available if they have any questions come up.
  • Communicate face to face and don’t assume someone knows something already!
  • I definitely think that a binder system should be implemented with all your vendor information & what exactly you did through each vendor.